Cambodian entrepreneurs encounter various obstacles, such as limited access to finance, business support, human capital, and markets. In response to these challenges, the Cambodia-Japan Cooperation Center (CJCC), an entrepreneurship-support organization, established the CJCC Accelerator Program (CJAP) in 2018. The program aims to address these challenges by partnering with Cambodian business associations, skilled business owners, Cambodian and Japanese mentors and lecturers, and a Japanese crowdfunding platform. The CJCC Accelerator Program aims to provide solutions to challenges by collaborating with Cambodian business associations, talented business owners, Cambodian and Japanese mentors and lecturers, and a Japanese crowdfunding platform. The CJCC Accelerator Program (CJAP) is a 5-month entrepreneurship program created by the Cambodia-Japan Cooperation Center (CJCC), supported by JICA, and consulted by Deloitte Tohmatsu Financial Advisory LLC.
Rupp-CJCC, Russian Federation Blvd (110), Phnom Penh